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powered by VGI newMIND

powered by VGI newMIND

Innovating public transport in and around Ingolstadt.

Fancy playing an active role in shaping the future of mobility in our Ingolstadt region?
Prove yourself in one of three exciting challenges and win prize money to the value of 10.000€.

What you need to know about VGI CHALLENGE:

The VGI Challenge works in a similar way to a hackathon. Geeks, techies, designers, digital nomads and creative minds come together to find innovative solutions to a specific topic in small teams. There are no limits to diversity – any student who wants to be part of something big is welcome. While you normally only have 48 hours to complete a challenge at a hackathon, we give you a whole week.

Here’s how it works:

● At the kick-off event on 08 November, all three VGI challenges regarding the public transport in Ingolstadt will be presented to you in detail. You can then choose one of them – as well as the team you would like to work on the challenge with. The teams should have a size of 3-5 participants each.

 After the kick-off event, you will be given the opportunity to work on your challenge within a week – until the following Friday. During this time, you can work from whereever you want but also rooms at the THI will be available to you  – as will our team for any queries regarding your challenge.

 On 15 November, all participants will meet again at Reimanns to present their solution. A jury will then select their favourites from all the pitches. You will have the opportunity to win up to €10,000 (total price money).

When & Where?

8. November, 16:00 Uhr – Auftaktveranstaltung / Opening Event – @Restaurant Reimanns, Esplanade 10, 85049 Ingolstadt

9. bis 14. November – Arbeitsphase / Working phase @Campus THI, @home or @anywhere you like
Für das Arbeiten werden Räume an der THI inkl. Verpflegung bereitgestellt. Nach der Registrierung erhältst Du weitere Informationen. / Rooms at the THI including catering will be provided for the work. You will receive further information after registration.

15. November, 16:00 Uhr – Abschlussveranstaltung / Closing Event – @Restaurant Reimanns, Esplanade 10, 85049 Ingolstadt

Sei dabei! Jetzt hier anmelden! / Be part of it! Register here now!